South Carolina Historical Magazine


The Editorial Board of the South Carolina Historical Magazine encourages scholars of South Carolina history to submit articles for possible publication in the SCHM. Articles can take the form of interpretive essays, edited primary documents, or research notes. Submissions are subjected to blinded review by the Editorial Board, a peer group of leading authorities on South Carolina history, as well as other experts in regards to originality, sources, clarity, style, and importance to South Carolina historiography. Articles dealing primarily with genealogy are not accepted. Geographically, the board defines South Carolina history rather narrowly. Thus, articles that are regional in scope generally are not appropriate. Comparative studies are invited, as are articles exploring South Carolina’s historical relationships with other states, the Union, and the Atlantic world. Previously published material is ineligible for consideration.

The editor of the SCHM will acknowledge each manuscript submission. The peer-review process begins after a preliminary evaluation by the editor as to topical relevance, stylistic conformity, and overall soundness of scholarship. Manuscripts typically should not exceed thirty typed, double-spaced pages (roughly seventy-five hundred words), exclusive of notes. Notes should appear in a separate section at the end of the text. In most matters of form and style, the Magazine follows the latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style. A brief vita should accompany each submission, including the author’s mailing and emailing addresses and telephone number.

Email your article as a Microsoft Word document to the editor of the SCHM.


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The Editorial Board of the South Carolina Historical Magazine recognizes outstanding scholarship in the field of South Carolina history through the South Carolina Historical Society’s George C. Rogers Jr. Book Award and Clark-Weir Article Award.