
Updates on the events, exhibits, archives and staff of the South Carolina Historical Society.

March, 1825: Lafayette’s Visit to South Carolina

During the American Revolution, a wealthy French teenager was willing to risk his fortune and his life for people he …

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February,1865: Martin Delany Becomes the First Black Major in the US Army

In February of 1865, President Abraham Lincoln commissioned Martin Robison Delany as an officer in the Union Army. At the …

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January, 1865: Clelia Peronneau Mathewes McGowan is Born in Columbia

Activist, politician, and poet Clelia Peronneau Mathewes McGowan was born on January 30, 1865. Although she is chiefly remembered for …

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December, 1762: Early Conflict between Governor and Legislature Foreshadows Revolution

On December 16, 1762, the South Carolina legislature resolved to do no further business with the governor until he recognized …

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