
Updates on the events, exhibits, archives and staff of the South Carolina Historical Society.

September, 1780: Francis Marion and his men defeat the British in the Skirmish at Black Mingo Creek

In 1780, the British shifted their strategy from fighting in the Northern colonies and focused on the South. They captured …

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August, 1781: Colonel Isaac Hayne Executed in Charlestown

On the morning of August 4, 1781, Colonel Isaac Hayne was led from the Exchange building through the streets of …

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July, 1746: Thomas Heyward, Jr. is Born

Thomas Heyward, Jr. was an active leader in South Carolina during the American Revolution. Born at his father’s plantation in …

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June,1842: The Locomotive Robert Y. Hayne Travels from Charleston to Columbia

The South Carolina Canal and Rail Road Company (SCC&RR) was chartered in 1827 and began constructing a line from Charleston …

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