
Updates on the events, exhibits, archives and staff of the South Carolina Historical Society.

January, 1814: A South Carolinian is Elected Speaker of the House

As of January 4, 2023, only 54 people have served as speaker of the house. The ninth person to do …

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December, 1773: Charleston Tea Party Takes Place and Charleston Chamber of Commerce Is Organized

“No taxation without representation” became a rallying cry for colonists in the mid-18th century. Prior to the American Revolution and …

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November, 1777: the Second Continental Congress adopts the Articles of the Confederation

Name United States Each sovereign except according to rights delegated, etc. League offense and defense None to treaty, ally, …

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October, 1950: Astronaut Ronald McNair was Born in Lake City

Ronald Erwin McNair grew up in Lake City, the second son of Carl and Pearl McNair. His father was a …

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