
Updates on the events, exhibits, archives and staff of the South Carolina Historical Society.

August, 1775: Thomas Jeremiah is Sent to the Gallows

On the eve of the American Revolution, a free black, Thomas Jeremiah, was brought to the gallows at the green …

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July, 1669: First Draft of the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina is Completed

The South Carolina Encyclopedia describes the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina as “part constitution and part promotional tract.” Although the first …

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June, 1737: A Revolutionary Heroine is Born

Rebecca Brewton was born at her father’s plantation on the Santee River on June 15, 1737. Her father, Robert, was …

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May, 1929: Pulitzer Prize Awarded for the First Time to a South Carolinian

In May 1929 Julia Mood Peterkin became not only the first South Carolinian, but the first Southerner to win the …

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