
Updates on the events, exhibits, archives and staff of the South Carolina Historical Society.

November, 1730: William Moultrie is Born

November 23, 1730  On November 23, 1730, William Moultrie was born in Charleston.  His mother was Lucretia Cooper and his father, …

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October, 1685: Louis XIV Revokes the Edict of Nantes and French Huguenots Flee to South Carolina

October 18, 1685 In the 1560s, the number of Protestants who followed the Calvinist form of religion, or Huguenots, was increasing …

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September, 1761: Cherokees Relinquish their Hunting Lands

September 23, 1761 After more than three years of hostilities, Cherokee Indians signed a treaty with South Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor William …

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August, 1920: the Nineteenth Amendment is Ratified

August 18, 1920 There were a number of women in South Carolina who were pleased when the amendment that gave women …

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